Table of Contents
1 - Why I fucking hate Japan
2 - Why I fucking love Japan
Like any good epic, a forward is required if for no other reason than to establish myself as a posh-Edith-Wardenesque type of writer. Is it working?
Tonight was supposed to be simple: Come home. Change. Fight the urge to nap. Go to Doutor and write at least 500 words for my thesis and clear out some ideas I am having a significant amount of trouble expressing without facial expressions, bodily noises and hand gestures to accompany it. Go home. Curl in bed with SLAMDUNK and actually get more than 5 hours sleep.
Right. I did all that. In fact, I am in bed right now. Curled up. SLAMDUNK volumes 11 & 12 are right by me saying, "Vanessa, please read us. Open us. Use us. Please. We need you." But something happened - see chapter 2 - and I just feel like I have to write it while the feelings are fresh and before I convince myself that perhaps shutting my WOP mouth would be better then telling the world about fucking japan. Oh me, oh my.
Chapter 1
I fucking hate Japan.
I am sick of the banking here. It is shit. It is shits creek without a boat or a paddle or a pair of underwear for some protection of any kind. The people are wonderful and nice but the hours are garbage, I can't get the convenience of whiping out the CCard and buying stuff (and getting points!). So I didn't really think about money until coming home, realizing I had enough money for supper but that was about it.
"No problem," Relaxed Vanessa told Scolding Vanessa. "Tomorrow is pay day! Just go to the bank in the morning and get money."
Relaxed Vanessa won until Brain Vanessa woke up and reminded all of Vs that one does not get paid in the morning. One gets paid when the bank opens... what is that, 8am? I am supposed to be on the train at that time.
Relaxed V chips in, "No problem just buy tickets with the Credit C... - FUCK YOU JAPAN."
So the no credit-cards-think-ahead-about-your-money-in-your-wallet business is not working out too well for me. I am a woman of the modern era. I manage all my bills online, pay them, save what I have to save and spend the rest until the sun don't shine.
Now, if I didn't have to go to the retarded JET "Mid Year Seminar", which is in essence bureaucratic masturbation of the worst kind, I would be fine. But no! I need to pay just over 1100 YEN to get my ass in some Workshop whose outline I could just read in an email and it would be as rewarding.
That said, some of you may be current JETS- as in future current JETs or now current JETs - and wonder at my resentment for having to go. All this week, I had to run around and reschedule my classes because I have to make them up before the test. The teacher's wouldn't meet for whatever reason - they are pretty busy themselves mind you - so it is difficult organizing a whole ring-around of class rearranging for that. AHHHH!
This also means that the following week I am teaching 4 even 5 classes in one day. That is disgusting.
On my way home though, Nicer Vanessa was telling Bitch-ass (no I am totally not over ass words yet) Vanessa "Well than Miss Smarty Ass. How would you organize MYS?"
I had to think long and hard on this one. Not to long - I have a thesis to write! - but I could see how it would be difficult, and there will always be a Grumbler, likely with a name that begins with a V because what can I say we are just like that, who is unhappy. But the one thing that was wonderful was seeing the other JETs, especially my fellow 1st years, and blurbing out everything. Everything.
"... and so Smart V, I would structure this support group style. Have a circle where people can share what is working for them, what isn't, ask questions and just be way more free style talk about whatever. Basically just meet, preferably over food that won't clog an artery. Our lunch was so much more rewarding where we sat down and just got to talk without thinking about the time, or spot light, or anything and let it out. Mixed in with some jokes and some "Oh I need to try that" I would say I would want to spend an afternoon doing that." But never, ever two days. Perposturous. And what are ridiculous activity to assimilate an activity in 10 minutes.
Since this is the bitter chapter of my post, I will comment yet again on the lack of insulation in this country. Rebuild your homes Toshiba-land and stick a personal computer in them while you are at it! My windows shake if I blow on them. I pee with a blanket and sometimes I wear my scooter helmet in the house to conserve the heat in my body. I also wear my helmut because for some reason I am hitting my head on doors and counter edges these days - don't ask. I am COLD people and I am from Montreal! Go figure! I never ever want to stay home and being at Doutor all the time is definitely saving me loads of cash on the hitting bill.
My lamentation, at least my written one, shall end here. For now.
Chapter 2
I fucking LOVE Japan
So yeah, the thesis. Lots of time at the 24 hr cafe. Lots of computer time and wearing jeans and toques with truck drivers and people who missed their last train for company. We are a cool, rough gang but we like our Doutor coffee and so...
A few days ago, a lovely young woman sat next to me. I was dying to compliment her on her dress which was like a potato sack and looked utterly gorgeous on her. I would wear that and people would probably pay me to take it off. This girl looked stunning with her carpet material red and yellow shoes, dark leg warmers and dark purple stockings that are so like my own it made me think of us as instant sisters.

Today, I was with my friend A Lot Of Snow - my Native American name for Takayuki - typing away. The Thesis Partners both gunning for a December deadline. And so I think when M saw us she may have felt like she was intruding the great typing rhythm we had going - no honestly, I may need to record an album - and sat somewhere else. When I was leaving I plopped into a chair beside her.
"Ha! I am sorry I was really into my work. How are you?" This was said in half english half Japanese. This is probably my first friend whose English proficiency is equal to my Japanese. Weirdly enough, I am pretty excited about this - you know actually talking in Japanese outside of school and service situation.
"Daijyobu!" And then she takes out a bag. "ageru." It was for me.
A bag of cookies she made for me at the pasterie where she works. She also drew a manga drawing to go with it.
I was so touched. So moved. All I do is sit next to her and we giggle over being tired and drinking too much Doutor water and she went and did something Japanese that moved me to tears.
Of course, I opened the bag and ate some cookies which made her laugh. We talked some more and she is going to make a Christmas card for me which I will send Luca as a present. So exciting.
I know I said this before but it still just amazes me how beautiful friendship is with the friends I have made here. Perhaps it is because what they can not express in words - be it due to shyness or just language barrier - they express with a small but so thoughtful token. It really makes me feel so appreciated and loved and I miss home at that moment but know I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Well maybe one other place.
DISNEY LAND. No no no.
YES BIYACHES! I AM GOING TO DISNEY ON THE 24th and 25th OF DECEMBER. Minnie and Mickey show, carolling, rides, the alice and wonderland room - all await moi. How can I not love this country? How can I not drown at the awesomeness that is qitche and corny Disney?
Admit it. Your jealous? And wait because I plan on wearing poka dots, bra, undies and all. Polka dots. Because Disney and Japan can't have it any other way.
That said, I don't do Epilogues. That is just overkill.
bfg pretends to go to bed but really intends to finish SLAMDUNK.
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