There are several reasons for this. Much of the time it has to do with the fact that I have the professor gene of forgetting everything. I never invest in an umbrella for example because I know I will forget it, try as I may not to, at some restaurant or bus stop.
Mostly though it has to do with the sad fact that when I am done writing my list, I look at it and literally say to myself, like anyone with good Roman blood, "Yeah Bitch! I can conquer your ass!" The sense of control I have at a glance of the carefully spaced lines with perfect little check-boxes drawn in the left-hand corner is astounding. "I can DO this. It is right here before my eyes."
Bliss comes when I check an item off said list. I lie actually. First, I check it off but then I strike it off twice and sometimes even write a little note on the experience. Next to "Mail rent cheque to Mikio" which is from last Friday's list, I wrote in a diagonal in green pen, "service man @ PostO[ffice] rude ~ charged 15cents for interac!" My lists start entering the third dimension when I start drawing lines between items, demonstrating relationships and reliances.

So you can imagine, as I search for reasons to procrastinate on finishing these final papers, I have made EXTENSIVE lists the two major ones being:
"Things to Buy Before Leaving For Japan"
Sample items:
(infamous) tampons
deoderant x2
(** fun fact: did you know that many sites
recommend you bring extra because it is not commonly sold. Go figure.**)
Sample Items:
do taxes
call Fido and see if can defer cell
sell stuff
That last has had me start a new list this morning... "Things to Sell" which I know will be a blogpost in itself - "bfg on craig's list adventures" or something.
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